Once again week six is here. I'd say that change is likely but i'm sure the second that i write that, President Roney will suddenly recieve inspiration to leave me and Elder Pedersen together for another six weeks in montpellier:) We'll just have to wait and see.
So people always tell me that i look like someone else. I'm not sure why but i've been told i resemble the most random people. Anywhere from james dean to tom cruise to the guy who plays two face on batman to some random basket ball player from way back when. So yesterday at church a member came up to me and gave me a folded up piece of paper with my name on it. She said that it was from our ward mission leader and that i had to open it infront of the others. When i opened it up it was a picture of one of the characters from the Xmen first class movie with "Elder Swenson" written in big bold letters underneath. Everyone thought it was hillarious and long story short this picture is now hanging on the bulletin board in the montpellier chappel.
This week I had multiple opportunities to bear my testimony in english during lessons or contacting we seemed to run into a bunch of english speaking people. As much as i enjoy french I have to say that i love teaching and testifying in my native language.
A single heartfelt testimony can really have a huge impact on someone. I challenge all of you to bear your testimony to someone this week. I love you all! Till next week,
Elder Swenson