Monday, March 3, 2014

March 3, 2014

Hey everyone,

So as expected I did get transfered out of Montpellier after 6 months. I am now in Grenoble with Elder Kiser. Both the ville and the comp seem great. In grenoble there are a bunch of snowy mountains and it is litterally the first time that i have seen snow while here in France appart from my first day when the snow storm cancelled our plane. I don't think that I'll have to deal with working in the snow too much though because at this time of year it is mostly just up in the mountains. 

Elder Kiser is an awesome comp. He is fairly new in the mission (one younger than Elder Pedersen) and I am the second comp that he has had. He is from Oregon. I'll have to send pictures next week as I don't have my camera with me at the moment. But he kindof looks like me I guess if you want a discription. In grenoble there are two elder equipes and two sister equipes. We are in a four man appartment and all of the Elders are american, within an inch of my height, and have light hair and eyes. We wont look quite as diverse as when i was serving with a dark skinned danish comp:) Also President Roney seems to enjoy putting people with the same or similar names in the same area (for example he put two elder adams together in montpellier before i was there) so there is also a sister Swenson here as well. We'll see if we can convince people that we are related.

Things went well in Montpellier this past week. We taught a new ami from Cambodia and it was Elder Pedersens first time teaching someone who has absolutely zero christian background so we had to teach very basically. He seemed to be really receptive though and the elders should be teachig him this week again. I love being able to teach people like that though because it really makes you have to think about what you say. Luckily it was in english so that helped.

It has been a while since I have had to say goodbye to so many members. When I was in agouleme I had only been there for 3 weeks so we weren't super attatched and when i left toulouse i didn't get to say goodbye because it was a suprise middle of the week transfer. Anyway it was a fun sunday filled with saying goodbye to a ton of members and taking plenty of pictures. You get more attatched when you serve in a ward for 6 months. I enjoyed serving in Montpellier but I am very excited to be serving in Grenoble now. It can get a little tiring walking down the same streets and talking to the same people day after day. Plus with the mountains it makes me feel more at home. Anyway I am super excited for this transfer. We have a family homeevening tonight at the church so it will be a good opportunity to meet and get to know all of the new members here. Well I love you. Until next week,

Elder Swenson

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