Well this week was good though i must admit nothing to exciting or out of the ordinary happened. It gets harder and harder to think of new and exciting things to write the longer I am out here. This is the last week of the transfer so we will see what exciting changes await next week.
Yesterday we were in a smaller ville by the coast called Sete to teach a lesson to a young family. They have 2 little boys who are constantly running around and getting in to everything. They are pretty adorable and remind me of the family back home. We had a table with some snacks and such on it and the youngest one who loves to share kept giving us food including chicken nuggets that he would take a bite out of before passing it on over to us.
This brings to memory Christ's invitation to become as a little child. How would the world be if we were all unselfish, happy, and willing to share like this little kid. My commitment for you guys this week is to think less of yourself and focus on helping and serving others. Look for someone in need of serving and do or give something to them. I love you all and am greatful for all that you have given and done for me. Until next week,
Elder Swenson
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