Monday, March 25, 2013

March 25, 2013

Hey everyone,

So this past week has been another good one. For the past few weeks we have all been trying to find some young adults to come to the JA activies. They have intsitute and family home evening on thursdays and fridays and up to this point all the young people we had found were either "busy" or actually busy. A couple of weeks ago we met this awesome young guy named Charles who lives in the same building as us. We were all in the elevator together and he had some pizzas. We asked him if they were for us and he laughed, then we asked him if he wanted to learn more about Jesus and he said yes. We got his number but then every time that we called it was off. Well we had sent him a text this week inviting him to institute and he called back and said that his phone had been broken and he just barely got it fixed and that is why we couldn't reach him before. Any way he told us he would be glad to come to institute with us. That night the other elders had finally got some other JAs to come as well. When it started out it was honestly kind of dry and they were talking about the life of one of the prophets and we were kind of worried that they would be bored or confused, but then they started asking questions and the other members who were there were all giving really good answers. The best responses came from a less active young guy who was there and our recent convert. I was so glad i couldnt help but smile when they were bearing testimony. Any way they liked it and our amis wanted to know more. I'm really excited to start teaching Charles this week because he is golden.

This past sunday there was a marathon in Marseille so the bus that we take to church wasn't running all morning to clear the streets for all the people. This meant that we had to walk to church. This also happened to be the day that it rained nonstop for hours. As a result of the roads around the church being closed and the miserable weather, when we got to the church, the missionaries were the only ones there. We thought that it was going to stay that way but finally like 2 minutes before church started people slowly started trickeling in. It ended up being a really good meeting even though it started a little late and there weren't as many people.

This is the last week of the transfer so i find out friday if i'm staying in Marseille for another transfer or if i leave. I'll be happy whatever the result is. My guess is that i will be staying but i really have no clue either way. It's always impossible to guess what President Roney will do next. I am also looking forward to general conference. It's possibly more exciting than Christmas when you're a missionary. Especially when you spend Christmas in the MTC. I can't wait to here all of the talks.

Any way, I hope that you all are doing well and that you have a good Easter. Think alot about the Atonement this week and you will be filled with gratitude for the great gift that our Savior gave to us. Love ya,

Elder Swenson

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