Tuesday, October 29, 2013

October 28, 2013

Hey everyone,

Due to transfer day this will be short. So first things first I'm staying in montpellier. Elder pielstick is actually now part of a musical group of four elders that will be touring the mission. (Yeah i'm not really sure what this means either, i'll let you know later.) I'm going to be training a bleu so i'm not sure what his name is yet because I pick him up in Lyon on wednesday. It should be a good transfer though so i'm excted.

Today I was one of the gare elders because montpellier is in the middle of the mission there are a lot of missionaries coming through and switching trains and such. This means I spent the morning running through the gare with all of the bags to help people catch trains. Sisters have so much stuff. There was a huge burst where we had to help about 20 missionaries switch trains in under 30 minutes. Crazy. The joy of being in a big city on transfer day.

Yesterday we had stake conference in Toulouse. This was cool because i got to go back and see all of the members that i never got to say goodbye to back when i was emergency transfered to Angouleme. They reorganized the stake presidency so it was pretty much all testimonies by them and thier wives. The new stake president looks exactly like Will Ferril byt the way. There were a couple members of the 70 there and they gave some good talks. Because there werent any trains to get us to toulouse in time on sunday morning a ton of us slept over saturday night. There were 13 elders in the appartment i stayed in. I slept on the floor in the kitchen with only a blanket and no pillow. Good times. Any way i love you all and promise to send pictures next week. I wish you all the best!

Avec amour,

Elder Swenson

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