Monday, January 20, 2014

Jan 20, 2014


So first things first I am still in Montpellier and still with Elder Pedersen. We were both surprised with the call but we still like each other and the ville so why not? Things are going well here and have been picking up as of late. Hopefully we will be able to accomplish alot here this transfer. 

As usual I spent all day at the gare to help all of the voyaging missionaries with their heavy bags. I must admit I do enjoy this as I get to see and catch up with a buch of missionaries I haven't seen for a while.

So I got a crazy piggy back off a previous miracle miracle. So two weeks ago I told you about a coordinèe that the concorde elders sent to us which happened to be an old ami that I had contacted and taught back when I served in toulouse. Well this week the plot thickened. This time the capitole elders sent us info on a coordinée that they found in their area book that they had called and found had moved to montpellier. It was the exact same guy but this time it was a different teaching record from 2010 and it turns out that he had already been taught all the lessons, gone to church, and had a baptisimal date. 

Seriously what are the odds that two different equipes just so happen to do area book work and find two separate fiches for the same guy, a guy who i knew and taught when i was in toulouse, and send me his coordinées within a few weeks of each other, not knowing about the other equipe sending the same coordinée. And they didn't send it to any other equipe here. They both randomly sent it to montpellier 4. Seriously? Apparently this guy really needs the gospel because this is too crazy to be coincidence.

We haven't been able to fix anything with him yet but he should have more free time in the comming weeks. Please pray for us to be able to fix a rdv with him!

Other than that we have a few other amis who are looking promising. I wont talk about them though because i always jinx myself by telling you cool miracles and then nothing more ever comes from them. French mission life ;) 

Well I love you all. Until next week,

Elder Swenson

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