Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy new year everyone!
I hope all of you had happy holidays and that all is going well for you. I hope none of you are sick. Right now like 1/4 of the mtc has some sort of stomach flu. I think they said that only 4 zones don't have sick elders or sisters at the moment. I'm pretty sure my district is the only one in our zone without any sick people. Lets hope it stays that way. We're not allowed to shake anyone's hand and we have to clean and disinfect everything like every hour. Tonight instead of meeting in the big auditorium they are just broadcasting the devotional to our classrooms so that everybody doesn't get each other sick.
Tomorrow I get to be one of the host missionaries who show all of the new elders around and help them get settled in. There are going to be like a million (rough estimate) new elders coming in tomorrow. Apparently pretty soon the mtc is going to have like double the amount of elders and sisters that were here when i got here. Crazy. I'm not looking forward to all of the huge lines and packed meetings. I'm pretty sure that all the new missionaries starting this week will have the different schedule and shorter stay. It doesn't effect the schedule of those who are already here though, so the only change for me will be longer lines. By the way I'm pretty sure I leave on the 14 (it could possibly change but I really doubt it). I thought I had mentioned that earlier but I guess not.
So things have been going well for me. The french is still improving little by little and I learn more stuff each day. I've been watching alot of the Mormon Message videos on lds.org. There super good and uplifting and you should watch them if you haven't. Maybe I'm just saying this because I'm a missionary who doesn't get to watch anything else, but I think they're awesome. We didn't really do much for new years. We celebrated at 10:00 for Philadelphia new years because that's where Elder Hawkins is from and because we couldn't stay up past 10:30. Any way I love you all and hope all is going well. I can't wait till I can write these emails from France. Two more weeks!
L'amour,  Elder Swenson

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